Worried that German will be too hard to learn? Don't be!
German and English are closely related. They share a common ancestor, which makes them very similar. Many students think that German will be too difficult, so they choose another language instead, but German and English have more in common than other popular languages, such as Spanish and French. Many find this actually makes German easier for native English speakers to learn.
Check out how close these German and English words are:
Katze - cat
Maus - mouse
Hund - dog (hound)
Stuhl - chair
Schule - school
Don't believe me? Here are some quotes from German students:
"[My favorite this about learning German is...] Learning about German culture as well as seeing many of the similarities it has with the English language."
"German is a very interesting, and rather easy to learn language."
"I really enjoyed learning about another language and the culture of it. I've always wanted to learn another language but Spanish was always too hard for me to do..."